These are misnamed. Older Macs boot to a white screen. Newer Macs boot to a black screen. If your Mac has trouble booting, it will be stuck on the boot screen, so that's why sometimes its black, sometimes its white. In any case, bring that Mac in, it needs attention!
A short range (30 feet) wireless communication type for data transmission. Typical Bluetooth connections are for Keyboards, Mice, trackpads, headphones.
Firewire is a type of connection, Its an outdated I/O that was found on older apple computers as well as some PCs. Firewire 400 (400Mb/s) was many times faster than older USB 2.0, but only a fraction faster than USB 3,0 so it lost its popularity, until Firewire 800 came out which was double USB 3.0 speed. An adapter is needed as both types are different from one another. Firewire was replaced by Thunderbolt, which even ver. 1 was 10Gb/s.
These are laptops designed for serious gamers. Until the iPhone and iPad came out, apple was not in consideration for serious gaming, now they are but almost exclusively in the mobile market. Gamming PCs are just that: Windows Based computers with top of the line graphics and I/O to be able to compete against other gamers.
a link is short for Hyper-link, its a clickable type on a website, or text or email, that allows you to go to that place quickly and directly. You can send someone a link to a website... and by clicking the link, it will open your browser and take you to the place that Link is designed. DONT CLICK ON LINKS FROM PEOPLE YOU DONT KNOW
Sounds like fishing, and means same thing, except instead of for fish, people are fishing for information, YOUR information. Forms of phishing include fake websites that look like the real thing, can be texted to you or emailed to you.
easy enough if you use a mouse, but if you have a trackpad, a right mouse click (which is also referred to as a secondary click) is done with two fingers pressing on the trackpad. some people set up the corner of a trackpad as the right click area. Up until 2005, CONTROL click was the Apple way to right click. Hold CONTROL, click the trackpad. This is known as a Contextual Menu, right clicking gives you a slew of choices and commands.
System Management Controller, is an Intel logic board architecture that is responsible for many things, including Battery charging, sleep, and many other functions. Most desktops can reset SMC by unplugging for 15 seconds, plug back in, wait 5-10 seconds then power on. Laptops without a T2 chip are SHIFT/OPTION/COMMAND with left hand, Power button with right hand. Hold all for 8 seconds. 2018 and up with T2 chip is different. Usually if you change battery, logic board, you should reset SMC.
First as Firewire Target disk mode, followed by Thunderbolt Target disk mode, this is a method to connect to another Mac, by turning that Mac into nothing more than a big external hard drive! When you turn a Mac into Target Disk mode, by rebooting holding down the T key, by connecting a cable to the Mac, its hard drive will appear in the finder and you can access the drive like an external hard drive.
If you look at a laptop, the top case is the BOTTOM part of the laptop, where they keyboard is and trackpad. On newer MacBooks, replacing the Topcase is generally a better idea than changing the keyboard. TopCases may or may not come with a trackpad, a battery, but usually come with speakers. You add your logic board.
Latest generation of USB connectors. Soon everything will be USB C because it is versatile. USB C cables have no up, no down, no side a or b. They can carry VIDEO, SOUND, DATA and POWER! USB-C is a connecting I/O.
Wireless connection to networking, instead of a network cable, you connect to WiFI and your wirelessly connected to the network. There are several types of WIFI that are all interchangeable, Type 6,AC, N, G, B, A in order, from fast to slow. Wifi has a limited range, generally WIFI should stretch to each room in your home. Typical WIFI comes with 2 bands, 2.4ghz and 5ghz. The 5 Ghz or 5G as you see it (not the same as cellular 5g which is 5th Generation) is faster of the two, but not as good at range. The 2.4ghz is better for long range, but was replaced with 5ghz when 2.4ghz home wireless phones came out causing interference.
Florida Apple Mac Pros inc.
7281 Sunshine Grove Road, Brooksville, Florida 34613, United States